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»The protocol of spaces of collaboration« is a cinematic art project that explores my understanding of architecture and collaboration in both built and virtual space. Through the lens of collaboration, a new understanding of the interconnectedness of our environment emerges on multiple levels. Architecture and acting with architecture is understood as a process, an experiencing, analysing, re-thinking, re-understanding and re-linking. Architecture is more than the discipline of building – especially in relation to current crises. It is about a relational conception of architecture – it is self-reflexive and sees itself in interactions with other systems. This interaction becomes the centre of the new architectural practice. A collaborative way of experiencing, thinking, discussing, creating and acting together will lead to the predominant architectural practice being replaced by so-called »architecting«. Architecting understands spaces as contextual ensembles, situations of material and immaterial elements. »Architecting describes the ordering of material and immaterial interactions that arise through intervention in the spatial. Spatial includes digital and virtual space«1 as well as interactions with other species and their habitats. In my work, I take an observational position, a position that moves in space and thereby interacts with it. This interaction takes place both between the built space, my camera, and me, as well as between the virtual space that my web-cam spans and me. This interaction is expanded through the linking of various actors with and in these spaces. Networks and feedback loops are created, which jointly test different formats of collaboration and develop them further in discourse. My cinematic art project discusses questions such as: Does collaboration exist? How does it exist? In which places does it exist? Through whom does it exist? Why does it need to exist? And what limits its existence? To generate the most diverse accessibility to them. In order to overcome the problems and crises that are already omnipresent and facing us, we have to change together. Without a given script and stage directions, but from the diversity of spontaneous and intuitive reactions triggered by a new understanding of collaboration, collaborating and architecting. 1: arts of the working class x 2038, »hundert jahre architektieren 1938-2038«, zitat von: christian posthofen, 2021

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the protocol of spaces of collaboration