Publikation Prot Jarnuszkiewicz, Oliver Häusle
Die Publikation Prot Jarnusziekiwcz mit dem Titel “For a moment I had everything” entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit Patrick Thomas. Im Buch werden fotografische Arbeiten (Polaroid) des aus Warschau stammenden Fotografen und Akademie-Professors dargestellt. Die englische Beschreibung der Publikation, verfasst von Adam Mazur: “For a moment I have everything. A table by the bed with a mug on it. Everything is in place. At a particular moment the mug moves precariously, dangerously. This must be preserved because the end is near. This is the beginning of the art of photography, and also a starting point for Prot Jarnuszkiewicz: a fundamental impulse followed by the awareness that everything is meaningless anyway.”