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The following work is a project of Petite Liberté at the Baukunst Studio. The art of collage is a medium that can mix different forms of art and it can be more direct. I chose to work with collage, because it is a medium that criticize, revaluate, differentiate and challenge the traditional forms of art. I felt comfortable and intrigued with the ability to create a different image out of fragments. In the duration of the seminar there were a lot of themes that where explored, like the current pandemic and others more closely related not Greece. As a topic I chose the statues of the Parthenon, because it is a topic that means a lot to me. It is a topic that is constantly one way, or another discussed in Greece. During my work I decided that I wanted my work to elicit discussion and to also criticize the situation, that is why I also decided to post my work on Instagram as a way of showing my work and to see how people responded to it. The following text was posted along with the collages on Instagram: A story without an end, a mistake that for over 200 years has not been made right… A man who desecrated pieces of a civilization and removed it from it place of creation. The Parthenon and in general the sacred rock of Athens is one of the most important monuments of the Greek civilization, because they convey the magic and the spirit of ancient Greece. Too much have been said about these statues and especially the Elgin marbles, which for over 200 years reside in the British Museum. And so, a conflict begins… Where and to who do those priceless pieces of history belong? To the place that created them or to the place where they were illegally transported in the early 19th century? A lot of people have spoken about this issue, representing both sides, each with their own arguments, but we still do not have a notable solution. Maybe the words of Melina Merkouri, actress and former Minister of Culture of Greece will help to better understand the worth of these statues: »… You must understand what the marbles of the Parthenon mean to us. It is our pride; it is our sacrifices. It is the noblest symbol of perfection. It is a tribute to democratic philosophy. They are our ambitions and our very name. It is our history; it is our soul. It is the essence of Greekness … « These words speak of something more than just national pride, they speak of the eternal spirit of Greek culture. As a Greek, this whole »discussion« is part of my history, a part that, in the back of my mind, has always been a cause for concern. And this is because although I have visited the Acropolis several times, I always feel that something is missing… During this project I sought out the views of both sides and I confess that I am disappointed and frustrated with the climate that prevails even now. 200 years have passed, and we now live in the 21st century and yet many issues are still managed with criteria and logics that are primitive and old-fashioned… This is what saddens me the most, so much »evolution«, »progress« and yet no solution can be found that will honor both sides. Because no matter how you look at it the sculptures of the Parthenon found a home in the British Museum for 200 years and so their journey became part of their history. Nevertheless, I believe that the stances and statements made so far, mainly by the British Museum, are dishonorable to the history of the sculptures and illogical, as a large percentage of even the British support the return of the statues. The following works try to convey the destruction and desecration of these statues and have as a goal to open a dialogue regarding what is morally right to happen in this situation, so that this turbulent 200-year history can have a favorable ending, to honor this heritage and pave the way for constructive discussions between museums and people so that we can all work together to right the mistakes of the past.

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