My strangers _A boy with fake breasts, Seoyeon Jung
This work is about memories and imaginations of strangers who were met only for a short period of time. As meeting strangers by chance and getting to know them became more difficult during the corona crisis, an alternative are random chats via the internet. They enable people to meet each other at random in a faster manner without the necessity to be physically in the same area. However, random video call conversations are much more volatile than conversations with acquaintances and friends, as the chances to meet the strangers again is much lower, in case you didn’t share contacts. Therefore, a big part of what the strangers are about is unknown and left to our own imagination.
The mirror glass tries to represent these strangers by having the form of a display and contain a memorized and imaginative part of strangers as items, which may or may not actually be fitting them. They are conserved conversations with strangers that can be shared with others.
<My strangers _ A boy with fake breasts> is about a 15 years old boy who I met on random video call website. When I saw him for the first time, he wore like a girl showing himself without his face to the monitor. He wanted to make franks to the people who are finding masturbation partners on the website. There is a plastic torso which you can see through behind of the mirror glass. But some parts of it which are covered with mirror film reflect the person’s face and body partially who are standing in front of the mirror glass. You can see yourself with a beautiful woman’s body when you reflect yourself on the mirror glass.