„A Loose Structure“ – Studierende der Klasse Durant
Eröffnung: Dienstag, 4. Februar 2025, 19:30 Uhr
Laufzeit: 05.–14.02.2025
This is an exhibition of artworks addressed to specific places in the Stuttgart community. Engaging the public realm in a variety of ways, historically, environmentally, formally, socially and personally. Viewers are invited to experience their environment in new and unexpected ways, bringing a sense of surprise and wonder to everyday life.
Es stellen aus:
Marie David, Mona Gablenz, Rebecca Hochgesand, Fabián Knauer, Suwon Lee, Benjamin Miller, Vera Müller, Nina Nielebock, Rebecca Ogle, Simon Pietryga, Katharina Sauermann, Ciara Isabel Tierney, Jessina Doreen Wörn, Laura Zimpfer