FAQ Incoming students
Who can I ask at ABK Stuttgart?
There are different contact points for international students at the ABK Stuttgart:
International Office
Responsible for administering international mobility and scholarship programmes, as well as advising international students on their stay at the ABK.
International Office
Campus Weißenhof,
Neubau 2, room 0.11
Consultations by appointment only
Office of student affairs
Provides information and advice regarding enrolment and withdrawal, certificates, transcripts of records, leaves of absence, etc.
Campus Weißenhof,
Neubau 2, Raum 0.05
Mo, Di und Do 9–12 Uhr
Do 13:30–16 Uhr
Departmental offices
Related to the subject you are studying, provide support and information regarding course and project dates, contacts to lecturers and teaching staff.
Fine Arts
(Textile Design, Communication Design and Industrial Design)
Conservation – Art History
Student self-administration and initiatives
AStA („Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss“) is the student-run committee representing student interests at the ABK, and organizing events and initiatives for students each semester. The AStA is also able to offer support to student driven projects:
You can keep up to date with student events by registering in the ABK portal or contacting student initiatives directly:
Working groups and student initiatives
ABK Stuttgart’s Welcome! Programme offers guidance for international exchange programme students:
How are the courses organised and structured?
Studies at the ABK Stuttgart are primarily project/studio oriented. Before taking an examination, students must fulfil specific requirements (a number of modules/courses/projects). Project work is evaluated and graded through individual assessments and critiques as well as formal examinations by academic or technical staff.
Students have the opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary workshops, projects and courses offered by the Academy and can expect to receive ECTS credits for completed projects. In addition, students should register for theoretical and technical units/components. In order to participate in any of our technical workshops, such as printing, glass, bronze, etching, lithography, etc., students must first successfully complete practical and theoretical units to demonstrate proficiency and to work on individual projects within the workshop.
A course/project catalogue is only available at the beginning of each semester. Staff will also be available to answer your questions at the beginning of the semester.
What is special about the German higher education system?
The German university system requires a certain amount of initiative. It is considered your responsibility to get the information you need, to keep in touch with academic supervisors and other people important to your stay, and to manage your time effectively.
You will always find someone to ask for help and support, but you need to be clear about what you want to achieve.
Do I need health insurance?
You cannot enrol at a German university without proof of health insurance.
EU citizens
Students from EU countries who are already insured in their home country do not need to take out a new policy in Germany, but must have their insurance approved by a German health insurance company.
Non-EU citizens
Students from all other countries must be insured in Germany, even if they already have health insurance in their home country. The insurance cover lasts for approximately one semester, and contributions must be paid for the entire semester, even if you leave Germany before the end of your studies or discontinue your studies.
Privat insurance
Students from non-EU countries who are under 30 years of age or who have not yet completed their 14th semester can choose between private or statutory health insurance. If you wish to take out private health insurance, you must apply to a German health insurance company for exemption from the compulsory insurance.
Do I need a visa?
Students are responsible for finding out what type of visa is required for the duration of their studies in Germany.
EU citizens
- Students who are citizens of EU countries and those from Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland, can enter Germany with a valid passport or ID. No visa is required.
Non-EU citizens
- Non-EU citizens require a visa for their stay.
What is the cost of living and accommodation?
International students are responsible for their own accommodation. It is possible to apply for accommodation through the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart.
The estimated cost of living for students in Stuttgart is around € 800 per month. This would include rent (student accommodation is usually around € 300–400, private accommodation can be more expensive), health insurance, public transport, food, and other incidentals.
Also note that all students have to pay an administrative fee (semester fee) for student services (Studierendenwerk) and the student union. In addition, international students are required to pay tuition fees.
Can I visit other European countries during my stay?
If you are a non-EU citizen, the EU mobility scheme allows you to study in other Member States (except Ireland and Denmark) for up to 360 days if you have a residence permit for study purposes. Your residence permit must be valid for the entire duration of your stay in Germany.
Where can I get help and counselling?
The counselling service of the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart offers professional help with personal and interpersonal relationship problems from qualified psychologists:
- Study and work problems
- Problems with timemanagement
- Motivational problems
- Problems with partner or family
- Examination or other anxieties
- Depression
- Self-worth problems
- Social difficulties
The counselling sessions are cost free. Generally appointments are available within two weeks with one of the qualified psychologists. The counselling sessions are strictly confidential.
Via telephone: +49 711 4470-1260
Important notice: As email communication with the Student Services is not encrypted, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed using this method of communication.
Service center Studierendenwerk Stuttgart
Rosenbergstraße 18
70174 Stuttgart