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The stage is empty, white and clean

I hear you breathe through centuries

Sweat, labour and accelerating beat

time comes back into the shell

Shells like shell bombs like shell shock

Yes, the coat of arms will be on the façade

Always always waiting, waiting for you

condemned to power persisting

a monument as a witness of time passing

time distilled as everything repeats

Concealed inside the relentless continuation

The rattling sound of the metronomic machine

A rhythm becoming a prison

Calling us back to our perpetrator

Which we have created

out of our own body

(the horse) “They´ve made me into a monument!
They´ve wrongfully folded me!
They´ve stolen my body!”

We are already whispering

We are already barely breathing

Yet we sing: one day I´ll fetch you horses, white horses in the sky

One day we will fly

One day we will, we will one day

a skin so soft it would lift itself

an iron dome for love

Those are pretty words you said

Some pretty lines of poetry

Ignoring the devices of restraint so thoroughly it became intuitive

we are witnessing to understand our own position

facets of this field separation

you are carrying the stone

no interruption

no consequence

no response

perpetual gaze and silence

perpetual violence

An accumulation of quantitative information

A momentary satisfaction of a moral desire

I am still looking at you letting it happen

Ethical speculation

Voyeurist pleasure

The rhythm of innocence

The rhythm of ignorance