Spin. Rastlose Stille, Melina Heggenberger
As a beginning point, who is familiar to most, stands a concept. What each person understand, or connects with it, can be very different. Most similar associations don’t lead necessarily to a concrete statement about the conditions for the sweet life – La Dolce Vita. Leading from expressive-colour-experience to a surreal imagination, arriving at a factual coolness. A book that questions the sweet life, through photographies. Outside the tourist season – from Cremona to Genova, crossing Tuscany to Florence, and from Rome to Rimini. In-between colourful coastal towns, trist countrysides and rushing cities; the restless silence moves into the foreground A day in Italy, a visual portrayal, observing areas of conflict, regarding the stress of life, the never changing as well as the perfect imagination. Central elements like light, colour and repetitions, play the major role. In such way the south influences also the following photographies, with its fully saturated palette of colour. With rich nuances, brings light and colour, forms and structures to life, which influences each other. The focus is always the composition. The ways of expression, are influenced and manifested by the experiences of interviews, which questioned the Italian points of view, concerning their sweet life.
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