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In this seminar we started to understand, accept and work with the complexity of our world. International, interdisciplinary cooperation during the pandemic is in itself highly complex and not easy. Each of us is in our own natural system, which constantly influences us. In order to gain an awareness of how this manipulation and inspiration takes place, we developed the »Mail Art System«. The only source of communication in our group work was a Touchdesigner file (visual program). According to a certain set of rules, this was sent on to the next person. Throughout the process of work it was fundamental for everyone to note and thought processes and decisions and the influences of those decisions. It would enable us to evaluate and change our own way of working. Based on the file, we had to estimate the intentions of the previous transformation. This process made clear that we all construct our own realities and how far those can drift apart. Nevertheless, the misunderstandings and imperfections brought us to completely unexpected results.

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