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My diploma project <Let’s fight against hate—Hatred Society in Korea> starts with the question of »The emotions I felt while looking at Korean society during the five years I stayed in Germany, and what made Korean society this way?«

The Korean society I saw while in Germany seemed like a society full of hatred. So, I investigated where this social phenomenon originated and what problems exist in the current Korean society.

In the process, I was able to find the answer to why I had such a hard time when I was in Korea. And furthermore, I investigated the modern and contemporary history of Korea, the identity of Koreans, the causes and consequences of rapid growth, the social problems caused by them, and the hatred of Korean society created by those problems, to explain the problems of Korean society.

The above information was summarized and a book called »Hatred Society in Korea« was published. The book has a total of 176 pages, and in order to make the potentially boring subject interesting to read, a lot of graphic work and subdivided into chapters.

And I tried to briefly explain Korea’s economic development with video, problems and hatred caused by it. This intro video is inspired by a Korean artist called YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES, who speak out about social issues.

As a Korean, not just a sociologist, I am willing to understand why Korean society was eroded by hatred. Moreover, as I was writing, I thought that just as there is a cause-and-effect relationship in everything, hatred is also a natural result of the existence of society, in a way. The only thing I wished for while writing this book was to ‚recognize hate from myself, try to understand others, and stop the hatred that occurs within me‘. So as to stop hatred, it can definitely start from ‚recognizing and understanding the difference between me and you‘.

I believe that if people recognize hate and speak out against hate speech, the change will be minimal, but the world will surely flow in a better direction. That’s why the Diplom theme was set to Fight against hatred.

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