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Hyper Space is a Augmented Reality application – a spacial interface between the physical world and the online world. By signing up for Hyper Space you can meet and connect with other people around the world, attend a concert or presentation overseas, be part of a dancing or yoga session on another continent or meet up with your friends a thousand miles away. What is special about this: You can experience all of this spacially and collectively within the physical World! The Hyper Spaces are located in places with high cyber traffic all around the world – mostly within public areas or public places in the city centres. You can hire a headset on site or use your own one. Your location and movements will be tracked and a holographic avatar of you will be displayed in other Hyper Spaces in different cities for people to see and hear you. Conversely, you can see and hear other users’ holograms while they are visiting a Hyper Space at their location. All the Hyper Spaces are being synchronized. This way, either the real person or a holographic representation of all users online can be seen and met. JUMP IN and GET CONNECTED!

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