»Home« und »How I was made«, Min Bark
This work reflects my personal struggle with the concept of »home«. I don’t have any memory of my life in Korea. I grew up in Germany. The fact that I don’t look German, and neither can remember my origins, has kept my personal relationship with home unresolved. It is through this work that I am dealing with this unresolved issue.The fact that I can’t remember, has been a strong influence during the development process of this project that shaped the material and final form of the sculpture.
The idea behind the sculpture »Home« originates from a large skirt, Woman, a mother’s lap, security, movement, hanging on a cottail – all mean ‘home’ to me.The work »How I was made« is a work done in clay that consists of different forms. I am originally from Korea. I cannot remember my life in Korea. I cannot remember my parents. I don’t have any recollection. I substitute the question »Who are my parents?« with »How« I was made.
Die Arbeit Home wurde im Rahmen einer Ausstellung der Künstlerinnen »fünftekraft« gezeigt. Die Künstlerinnen haben das Satellitstipendium in Stuttgart erhahalten, das vom Künstlerhaus Stuttgart vergeben und von der Wüstenrotstiftung gefördert wurde im Rahmen einer Sonderförderung für Kunst während Corona.
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