FAT Studio, Yannik Plachtzik
Many thoughts and a lot of drawings which questioned my whole understanding of architecture. Drawings that allowed new thoughts and opened up completely different perspectives to existing. In one perspective Architecture is basically copy and paste. We all do it already day by day without knowing. We think architecture as we know it, how we learned it, what we were reading about it and what we were seeing and recognising. And what we know, we copy, rethink it or sometimes not even that. But mostly we don’t do that on purpose, so we think we do have our own sense of designing something, in fact its a sense for the reproduction of something.
This Semester we did it on purpose – take it, copy it and bang it on there. It was weird, cause it questions the whole logic of how you think, produce and do architecture in every way. Set your own rules and do it. Rebuild things with the logic of other things, after that your logic comes to see what you did. The outcome is highly interesting – you start to see things from a different perspective, which you never could have reached by thinking about it as how you knew it.
The process of doing the unexpected opens a door of endless views and possibilities. It is a constant doing, making, drawing and reflecting. Let the process become your project and finally you surprise yourself.