DND+VOID collab, Sarah Gerdiken, Laura Avelina Teschke, Eva Henle
This project reflects on the functionality of a digital collaboration between the DND students from State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart and VOID lab, a group of students from Birmingham University, with all its potentials and challenges in times of Covid 19. By analysing the topic of complexity, the collaboration between the students understand itselfs as a complicated system which interacts together, generated by the different qualities each student has got. By developing so called ‘by-products’, which where realised in small workshops, the group developed unintentionally a system of working together digitally and aimed not to focus on the ‘physical’ outcomes. Taking laguage, with all its complexity, as an overall topic, the group created language inspired drawing workshops, google translator experiments and a system to create new form of language. The video clips show three different attempts to visualize and document the work and the complex systems it follows.
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