Climate Responsive Design
Climate Responsive Design offers solutions to sustainability issues in architecture and has a high relevance on the design. The seminar explores the question as to whether, or to what extent, climate-responsive design differentiates itself based on local climate conditions and therefore its potential to contribute to the architectural identity of the location. Starting point for the design is the analysis of the location, availability of resources, the local climate and the cultural setting. The design goal is to achieve optimized comfort conditions for the user, while at the same time minimizing the energy demand of the building and profiting from the natural energy resources in the built environment.
Within this context, the main emphasis of the seminar is the investigation on the interplay between location, ecology, material, space and form. Starting point is the analysis of the local climate, the culture and the local availability of resources. In workshops the interdisciplinary teams develop urban and building design responding to various climatic contexts. The objective is to enable an intuitive access to the climate-responsive design methodology and to deepen the understanding for challenges and opportunities of ecology, building technology and building physics aspects in the build environment.
The seminar is a joint-venture seminar for MA students of the ABK Stuttgart and MA students of the IUSD program, University of Stuttgart and Ain Shams University in Cairo. They both collaborated in mixed teams with the KlimaEngineering Fellows of the Transsolar Academy.