Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Volker Menke
Brief Vita
2023 visiting faculty at NTNU, Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, Trondheim (NOR)
2021-2024 project managment in the research project Die Welt im Koffer, Innovative VR-/AR-Lehr-/Lernszenarien für die Künste (WiK_ARTS)
2021 virtual seminar at MKE (HUFA) Budapest – Mapping the local – virtual tourism (HU)
2019 visiting faculty at NTU, Nottingham School of Art & Design (UK)
visiting faculty at Vilnius Academy of Arts, Klaipėda (LT)
2018 visiting faculty at Listaháskóli Íslands (Iceland Academy of the Arts), Reykjavík (IS)
2017 visiting faculty at Vilnius Academy of Arts, Klaipėda (LT)
since 2000 teaching position at the cad_lab Architektur (cad_lab of the architecture department) at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart (Stuttgart Art Academy)
1999-2000 research project Virtuelle Realität im Bauwesen, Fachhochschule Lippe
1994-1999 Civil Engineering at FH-Lippe Detmold, Degree Dipl.-Ing. (FH) in Civil Engineering