Dr. Patricia Schmiedlechner
hat auf dem Gebiet der Kunstgeschichte promoviert
Titel der Dissertation: „Modi Operandi in Rubens’s Workshop: A Study on the Creative Process and Methods of Workmanship“
Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Nils Büttner
Zweitbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Birgit Ulrike Münch
Dr. Patricia Schmiedlechner
Studium der Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Wien Abschlussarbeit: "Künstlerische Entstehungsprozesse bei Peter Paul Rubens“2010
Erasmus Auslandssemester and der University of Edinburgh (Assistenz Prof. David Howarth)2013
Frieze Publishing GmbH, Berlin (Vertrieb Frieze d/e)Seit 2014
Doktorandin im Fachbereich Kunstgeschichte/Kunstwissenschaften bei Prof. Dr. Nils BüttnerDissertation
„Modi Operandi in Rubens’s Workshop: A Study on the Creative Process and Methods of Workmanship“
For Peter Paul Rubens’ collaborative painting process, his sketches and drawings represented an indispensable tool to convey thoughts and ideas to his employees. A significant amount of Rubens’s preparatory material still exists, although it has hardly been dealt with as a whole. The objective of my dissertation is to further examine methods behind the origination of Rubens’s masterpieces, particularly the intent and purpose of his oil sketches, which can be consulted as key sources. Rubens’s preparatory procedure can be described as highly inconsistent and sketches vary strongly in their execution. One key research goal will be to distinguish conceivable reasons for these varieties.